Joy Battista

"Joy Battista" stands for the Joy of John the Baptist at the presence of Christ.

"And how have I deserved that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold, the moment that the sound of thy greeting came to my ears, the babe in my womb leapt for joy." Luke 1:43-44

This blog is dedicated to all who seek the Joy of Christ's presence in their own lives.
This blog is also dedicated to the unborn, for John the Baptist was an unborn when he leapt for joy at the presence of Jesus who was also unborn at the time.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Big Birthday for Two of My Favorite People!

It's January 17th, Happy Birthday Michaela and Dad!

Sixteen years ago Michaela's noon arrival was met with tears of shear joy! I was thrilled with having a girl and she was so sweet. I wrote in her card that I didn't think this was her sweet 16th birthday just because it is fun to say, but that I really do think she is as sweet as candy! As a newborn she had this cry that my boys didn't have and the best way to describe it was that it was this sweet little squeel. I'll always cherish that about Michaela. She will always be my sweet baby girl! I am blessed indeed!

This picture was taken yesterday and is my dad, Michaela and niece Aspen who turns 4 on the 24th.

Today we celebrate my dad's 70th birthday which is the same day as Michaela's. Every year they get to share their special day together. I was so happy to give the gift of grandparent-hood to my dad 16 years ago. She was his first grandchild and our special bond continues!

Dad has been one of my best friends in the world. He has always made me feel special. When he see's me he often still calls me doll! To me, that says it all! I love you dad. Happy Birthday and here's to many many more.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

FUNNY Goldendoodle Dogs on A Swing

Ok, I'm posting a youtube video for fun. You'll see a couple of goldendoodles swinging. I enjoy this video on many levels, one being our family owns a goldendoodle. This video makes me smile and appreciate our dog more. Watch it and comment on why you might like it too! If nothing else, I can assure you it will make you smile! Enjoy.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Strong Faithful Women

I was taking pictures of my mom yesterday. The above is a shot that I took of her in a 3' by 4' black and white portrait that hangs in my family room. I don't have the original, which was taken by my aunt Jean (God Bless You Jean!), but it is my favorite photo of my mother and to post it I took pictures of the portrait on my wall. Because of my poor skills at using a camera the quality is lacking here on my blog but it really does look like a piece of art which graces my home. It is an accurate portrayal of her warm loving spirit.

Mom passed away suddenly on January 12, 1998. I can’t believe I have been without her for 13 years now. Though I am without her in flesh her spirit lives on and she feels very near!

Mom was 51 years old when she died of complications from the Epstein-Barr Virus which was found in her autopsy. EPV is common and often causes mono. She had been ill with what we believed was the common flu for about a week and a half before she passed. On the weekend she died she started having breathing problems due to a weakened heart. My dad took her to the emergency room on a Saturday morning and by Monday morning at 3:00am she was gone. We were told that the virus attacked her heart causing a condition called myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) which became fatal for her.

Mom was such a strong woman. People were shocked at her death because she was so strong. But her strength came from her spirit. Her strong faith was her gift to her family. I am convinced she is a beloved of God because she loved God first and foremost all the way to the end of her life. In fact her final words were a song of prayer. She had tubes down her throat and could not speak but the last time I saw her conscious she was surrounded by family and friends who sang to her. She didn’t have a voice but she could move her lips and she followed along as the Doxology was sung, it goes:

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise God all creatures here below.
Praise God from whom all heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen

Mom was known to sing this song often, especially towards the end of her life. I remember vividly singing it with her one day when I was over at her house and trying to rock Michaela to sleep. Mom belonged to a group of women she called her Cursillo sisters. They were on fire for Christ and would live their faith very outwardly. She had always wanted to go into a restaurant with her Cursillo sisters and stand up and sing this song for all the patrons. She indeed did it before she died!

I could go on and on about my mother but I don't have time for that and you don't either but here are the qualities I admired most about her that I hope I can carry forward in my own life: Faithful to God the Father, fool for Christ, full of the Holy Spirit, undying love for family, strong work ethic, champion of the Church, loyal friend, fun loving personality, giving, joyful, generous, curious, prayer warrior to the end.

I know I have a long way to go…. God Bless You Mom!

Today is also the feast of St. Marguerite Bourgeoys and it struck me that what Pope John Paul II said about her in the final sentence of the following paragraph is what I think can also be applied to my mom!

In his homily at her canonization, Pope John Paul II said, “ particular, she [Marguerite] contributed to building up that new country [Canada], realizing the determining role of women, and she diligently strove toward their formation in a deeply Christian spirit.” He noted that she watched over her students with affection and confidence “in order to prepare them to become wives and worthy mothers, Christians, cultured, hardworking, radiant mothers.”

Though my mother wasn't a school teacher she was a teacher to my sister and I and she was a good wife, worthy mother, hardworking and radiant and a great example to all women whom she came into contact. I know she is not a canonized Saint like St. Marguerite. But we all know people who have died like her, people who lead lives worthy of Heaven. Mom in my mind is one of those!

It is so wonderful to have such great examples of strong faithful women to emulate!

Mom and St. Marguerite, Pray for Us.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Pope Benedict encourages faithful to resdiscover joy of baptism :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

This is such a beautiful link about the feast of our Lord's baptism. It celebrates his baptism by John the Baptist, who is the namesake of this blog. I just had to post it for all to read. Enjoy!
Pope Benedict encourages faithful to resdiscover joy of baptism :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Need for better Catholic school books prompts mother to start publishing company :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Here's a link that I am counting as my January feature of a successful home based business mom. Now, the article does not say if she is actually running her business out of her home but it does say that her children and husband are all involved! On top of that she is fulfilling a need for Catholic children everywhere! This is inspiring and a must read article. Enjoy
Need for better Catholic school books prompts mother to start publishing company :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Early Morning Resolution!

I’m usually sleeping at this hour. It is 5:40am and I have only had a couple hours of sleep. I had one of those nights….lots on my mind!! So at 5:00am, not feeling sorry for myself because I know my dad has been up since about 2:00am or so, on his USA Today paper route, I decided not to let myself go back to sleep. I had my alarm set for 5:55am to get up and take Cole to serve mass at 6:30am. It is one of his weeks to serve masses every morning. So I rolled out of bed about 15 minutes ago and made a pot of coffee.

If you have been a regular on my blog you probably know by now that I can’t seem to blog about anything unless I mention God’s workings in my life and the life of others. Excuse me if I ramble here due to sleep deprivation, but I really do think, again, that God always knows what he is doing and I really try hard to pay attention to why things happen the way they do because He has something to do with it.

So allow me, again, to tell you what I think God has been up to for me….it’s 5:45am, it’s January 3rd, and all my adult life I have thought about how much more productive I probably would be if I would just get up earlier in the morning. My usual time is 6:45-7:00am on school days. Blush…7:45-8:00am holidays and summers. I can’t believe I just admitted that. I must tell you though that I don’t think I have slept through the night for the last 16 years, since children….Michaela turns 16 January 17th…and sleeping later in the morning has been a necessity. But…I’m going to buckle down and serve God and others…and not myself. I have got to use my willpower and mortify my own wants and needs and set the alarm and pop right up at its first buzz.

So maybe God is helping me with a New Year resolution to get into a good early morning routine. We’ll see…. I hope I can stick to this. I really need to exercise regularly and the mornings make the most sense in getting that accomplished. So I am publicly stating here and now that I will strive to get up at 6:00am to either attend mass and exercise or exercise, get the kids off to school then attend mass. This is one of my new years resolutions. These things, I hope, will be a bright beginning to each day.

Well, here it is 6:00am and Cole is up, dressed and ready to go. He literally popped right out of bed! What a great example to me.

Please share your new years resolutions……I really am interested!!!